People behind it

Founded in 2019, our Berlin-based collective Food for Thought develops computer games about LGTBQ+, gender, identity and sexuality. As women, trans people, queers, migrants and mothers of teenagers, we see diversity not as ornamental, but as a core part of our identities. Consequently, we incorporate not only our professional know-how in our specialist areas, but also our personal experiences and different perspectives into every experience we create.


Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg
Bundesverband Digitale Bildung e.V.
Crowdfunding Campus
Wir für Vielfalt
Türk Aile Sağlığı ve Planlaması Vakfı (TAPV)
Queer Format Fachstelle Queere Bildung
Gemeinsam Einzigartig
KUSS41 Leb dein leben bunter
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
Landesverband AndersARTiG Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle & Trans* im Land Brandenburg
Gerede e.V. Demokratie-Büro Kreis Paderborn
Praxis für Sexualität